Famicom The 3rd Try My Luck at Buying Unlabeled Junk Famicom Cassettes at a Recycle Shop This is a section where I buy unlabeled cassettes from the junk Famicom cassette section of Hard Off and try to play the... 2021.05.11 Rose Famicom
Electronics How to convert an Nintendo Famicom to video output super easily with FCAV Here's how to use FCAV to convert your Nintendo Famicom (NES Japan Version) to video output in a super easy way.The FCAV... 2021.05.01 Rose ElectronicsFamicomInstruction Manual
3D Printer Make a stand to stand the Nintendo switch with a 3D printer On the back of the Nintendo Switch, there is a small stand that allows you to stand the switch up and play with it. Howe... 2021.04.07 Rose 3D PrinterElectronicsLeaser Cutter
Electronics Easy Modification Nintendo Famicom Controller USB Kit is now available! A little over a week after I placed my order, my Nintendo Famicom controller to USB conversion board arrived from PCBWay... 2021.03.28 Rose ElectronicsFamicom
Electronics Make the PCB that can be used with Nintendo Famicom controllers for a PC from PCBWay. I want to play games with an Nintendo Famicom controllerWhen playing on a PC with an emulator such as NES, you will be p... 2021.03.27 Rose ElectronicsFamicom
Electronics Sharp and Clear Video Quality Experiment I converted a Famicom to a video output, and now I play with it by watching it on the monitor of the computer via video ... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsFamicom
Electronics The Nintendo Famicom has been remodeled into a clear video and a nice stereo output. The sharp video output and audio stereo function of the Nintendo Famicom Video Console, which we have been experimenting... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsFamicom
Famicom We made an EP-ROM cassette board using ZIF (Zero-Insertion-Force) Test Socket for Nintemdo Famicom The Way to Original ROM for FamicomI wanted to make a "My Original ROM" for Nintendo Famicom.First, I disassembled the c... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose Famicom
Famicom I want to make my own ROM cassette for the Famicom, so I disassembled the cassette. I want to make my own cassette for the Famicom.Information collectionTo make my own ROM cassette, I need to do the follo... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose Famicom
Famicom We made an EP-ROM cassette board using ZIF (Zero-Insertion-Force) Test Socket for Nintemdo Famicom The Way to Original ROM for FamicomI wanted to make a "My Original ROM" for Nintendo Famicom.First, I disassembled the c... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose Famicom
Famicom How to make a Nintendo Famicom video output modification kit (FCAV) board Instructions for creating a Nintendo Famicom video output conversion kit board for converting the Nintendo Famicom to an... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose FamicomInstruction Manual
Famicom I turned Nintendo Famicom into a stereo, and listened to the music 2 audio outputs, AUX A and AUX B, are output from the Nintendo Famicom CPU.Typically, the outputs on these pins are mixe... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose Famicom
Electronics How to convert Nintendo Famicom (early model) to video output with FCAV This is a way to convert Nintendo Famicom (early model) into video output. Before making this modification, the video bo... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsFamicomInstruction Manual
Electronics How to Check Whether the Nintendo Famicom is the Early model or the Later model It looks the same, but the inside is different.There are 2 main types of Nintendo Famicom models.The previous model is t... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsFamicom
Electronics Nintendo Famicom converted to video output Long ago I bought a junk Nintendo Famicom at a thrift shop and disassembled it Past articles:I bought it at a recycle sh... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose Electronics
Electronics Circuit diagram of Nintendo Famicom cassette sucker kazzo clone 。Here is a schematic of a previously created kazzo clone. It is basically the same as kazzo_pcb_2 of kazzo0.1.3. The cha... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to clone kazzo for Nintendo Famicom (2019 and later models) This is a device for using "Nintendo Famicom "cassette data on a personal computer. I will explain how to make a Kazzo c... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual