Electronics How to convert an Nintendo Famicom to video output super easily with FCAV Here's how to use FCAV to convert your Nintendo Famicom (NES Japan Version) to video output in a super easy way.The FCAV... 2021.05.01 Rose ElectronicsFamicomInstruction Manual
Electronics Making a mailbox with a built-in "scale" to let you know when the mail arrives. If your mailbox is outdoors, you will not know if your mail has been delivered. Often, we don't even notice for a while ... 2021.03.21 Rose ElectronicsInstruction ManualLeaser Cutter
Electronics How to fix a Bose QuietComfort QC25 that has lost sound on one side for about $30. Do Bose NC headphones have a tendency to break the speaker on one side? Two of them brokeI have two QC25s, and one of th... 2021.01.02 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to distribute video to Windows 10, Mac, Android in LAN with OBS Studio Hi, I'm kohanii.Introducing how to distribute video from a webcam or other device to another PC, Android, etc.Setting up... 2021.01.02 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to make a Christmas wreath kit with glittering LEDs Christmas wreath made from printed circuit boardsI designed a Christmas wreath on a printed circuit board using the gold... 2020.12.11 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Famicom How to make a Nintendo Famicom video output modification kit (FCAV) board Instructions for creating a Nintendo Famicom video output conversion kit board for converting the Nintendo Famicom to an... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose FamicomInstruction Manual
Electronics How to convert Nintendo Famicom (early model) to video output with FCAV This is a way to convert Nintendo Famicom (early model) into video output. Before making this modification, the video bo... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsFamicomInstruction Manual
Electronics Circuit diagram of Nintendo Famicom cassette sucker kazzo clone 。Here is a schematic of a previously created kazzo clone. It is basically the same as kazzo_pcb_2 of kazzo0.1.3. The cha... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to clone kazzo for Nintendo Famicom (2019 and later models) This is a device for using "Nintendo Famicom "cassette data on a personal computer. I will explain how to make a Kazzo c... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to set up Arduino IDE and Leonardo board This section introduces the setup method for Arduino to program a Leonardo-compatible microcontlloer board.With this set... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics Milk Carton How to Make a Microcomputer Robot ,No.2 (Program Modification) The milk pack microcomputer robot kit has a program written in the microcomputer. So you can play it by assembling it. B... 2020.11.03 2021.03.17 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual
Electronics How to make milk carton robot with a Microcontroller No.1 I will introduce how to make a robot with a micro controller using a milk pack from now on.Here we will explain how to m... 2020.11.02 Rose ElectronicsInstruction Manual