Electronics ESP32 reduced current consumption during DeepSleep by putting HX711 into power down mode. I configured a scale with HX711 and made a mailbox that notifies me when there is mail. By replacing the regulator with ... 2021.04.28 Rose Electronics
Electronics The mailbox with a built-in "scale" that notifies me by e-mail when a mail arrives has been completed! I have completed a mailbox that detects the arrival of mail by weight and notifies me by e-mail. Weighing with HX711 Usi... 2021.04.14 Rose Electronics
Electronics Eliminate The noise mixed in with the HX711 readings I am checking the stability of a scale made with HX711 and a strain gauge, and abnormal values are measured quite often.... 2021.04.01 Rose Electronics
Electronics Sending measurement data to Ambient to check the stability of strain gauge "scales". I would like to leave the "scale" I made the other day outdoors for a few days to check the fluctuations in the readings... 2021.03.27 Rose Electronics
Electronics See if I could measure the correct weight with a "scale" made from a strain gauge. I did an experiment to see if the "scale" and the program I made the other day could measure weight correctly. Here's th... 2021.03.27 Rose Electronics
Electronics Modify the circuit of the HX711 module to operate at 3.3V and measure the weight with ESP32 HX711 module is 5V specification The HX711 module sold on Amazon is designed to work with a 5V power supply. Since the E... 2021.03.21 Rose Electronics